Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Angelic faces

Every night before going to bed, I check on my children. Perhaps it's more for selfish reasons than anything else. It seems their peaceful slumber and angelic faces never fail to bring a contented smile to my face. I suppose when I have a not-so-good day I can still find a moment to smile.

Yesterday, as the day progressed my day wasn't the best. But last night, as I pulled the covers under their chins and looked at them I was content. I was smiling. I did not have my children so that they could pick me up when I'm down, I had them because I always wanted to be a mother. This pleasant side-effect is greatly appreciated, though.


LID said...

It's the simple little things that keep us going....

Angel said...

You're right LID...thank God for the simple things.

Mike said...

The wife is in charge of night time checks around here.

Me? Once they are asleep, I'll stay away, thanks. Plus I am as quiet as a bull moose (and the harder I try, the quieter I ain't) so they always wake up.

But they really are cute when they sleep, aren't they.

Angel said...

Mike.. a bull In a china shop no doubt. btw... self portrait there? You are a budding Picasso aren't you?

Angel said...

I zoomed into the picture, Mike. It's done by one of your kids. Soooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

A nice side effect indeed.

Colleen said...

It's great to stop and enjoy moments like that...although in my case it's a cat or dog.

cheex said...

So good to hear from a mom who appreciates what she's got!

Angel said...

finished last... if only everything had that sort of side effect. LOL

colleen... yes. It's a 'stop and smell the roses' act that I get to do each and every night. *smile*

cheex... I love my children more than words can express. Thanks!