(I prepared this post on Saturday and finally feel it is what I want to say.)
As a child growing up my parent’s house I remember it being full of laughter and love. My dad always made it a point to give us girls hugs and tell us that he loved us. I am the sentimental one in the family (zip it Long island dad, no chuckling) so I guess I remember this more vibrantly than my sisters.
I remember nights that we’d dance together in our pj’s. I remember playing Pictionary on a large paper and laughing at each other’s artistic skills. I remember holidays with music on the reel to reel (and they still have that.)
On April fools day we’d play jokes and I remember my older sister took great delight in those opportunities to get me. One year she turned everything in my room upside down (including my hamster cage, and boy was he confused.) Once we had a cardboard cutout of a guy model that we put in the dark powder room and so when people would enter and turn on the light it would scare them. (We were big on scaring for laughs.)
I remember my little sister doing cartwheels in the living room or the time she wasn’t paying attention and ran into the closed bathroom door scaring the heck out of me (we still laugh about that.)
There are many many things I remember. Sure there were bad times and tough times. Yes we siblings fought. And yes I had those teenage years where I’d argue with my parents but what I remember the most is the laughter. I love to laugh. I love to joke around and have fun but I love to laugh.
I have thanked my parents many times for passing on laughter to me. So now it is my turn, my job to help fill my home through laughter and memories. Now it is my turn to hug my children and my turn to make sure that though there will be tough times, my children remember the laughter. I won’t know if my job was done successfully until I’m much older but I hope my children tell me as I have told my parents. And I hope they pass it on to their children.
I Love, Love, Love LOLing.
We do it at LEAST once a day in the art department here at Company, Inc.
I believe laughter is theraputic. Oh crap I wanted to add that to that post. That they have found laughter to be good for your health! I need to do more of it since I have sniffles.
I'm so glad that you and those at Company, Inc. laugh at least once a day! That rocks! You guys rock!!!
Our house may be a little disorganized and messy, but we get a lot laughs around here.
Lots of them at mom's expense.
I think laughs are most important (at mom's expense? LOL)
Yeah, I'm OCD about my house but that's my problem. Hee hee. Laughter and hugs are still #1. Good for you Mike...and your family.
That was great! But you put up an entire post about laughter and told me not to "chuckle"... You're Mean! j/k! LOL! Nothin' but laughter around my house, that's why I started my blog. Too many stories to keep to myself!
Great Memories... Thanks for Sharing!
LMAO... good point LID but off course you know I was referring to you not laughing at my being the sentimental one. You can chuckle all you want at the rest.
Okay... thanks for the clarification!
What a sweet post! We laugh a lot in our house too.... it's so fun and is the best part of life:)
Mt dad was the same way (heck he even made us laugh when he passed away) and I hope I am doing the same thing for my kids. Thanks for sharing.
drama.... that's awesome but somehow I figured that given how much you make me laugh. LOL
Finished last... I hope you are too. It sounds you had a great role model like I have had.
While my parents were both quite serious types, I have somehow managed to become quite jovial about life. In my career, I would go crazy if I couldnt see the humor that is all around me..So, I try to spread it around, even at my own expense.... If they are not laughing with you....make em laugh at you!!!! And scaring for laughs is the BEST!!
Scaring laughs are the best. My kids love that! We sometimes spend evenings scaring each other.
I hope your big rig finds you in my area because we do have a lot in common and I'd love to hear stories of your trips!!
Terry knows waaaaaaaay to much about me to be hanging out with any of you guys.
I love jumping out at hubs and scaring him. I pee my pants because I laugh so hard. Nice, eh?
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