Finding the slices of heaven.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A new conversation with 'the Peanut'

My daughter just walked up to my husband and said, "I am a doctor. I take care of dead people."

We stiffled our laughs as best we could and we told her that she wouldn't have much to do to take care of dead people. We explained that you can't do anything to help dead people. She said, "Maybe we could give them a cup of blood to bring them back to life."

WTF? Where does she learn this stuff?

We told her that we don't think that would work.

She finally conceeded, "Alright, I'll take care of sick people." We smiled at each other. Then she added, "I'll stick a needle in their arms to take the sickness out."

Adding to this conversation she stated that people would come to her office and that no one was to see her feet. (she is wearing mommy's blue mittens on her feet. LOL)

Daddy asked her, "Why can't they see your feet?"

"Because they can't take my stinky feet."

Ahhh, you can keep my mittens baby doll. hee hee.


Mike said...

Funny stuff! And good call onlosing the mittens.

LID said...

Perhaps a career in Law or Interior Design would be more up her alley!

That is some good "kid" stuff!... out of the mouths of babes thing!

Anonymous said...

Very cute.

Neponset River Bridge Dig said...

she's right... maybe she's an aspiring pathologist, Now they take care of dead people

Angel said...

Mike.. I know! You should smell her stinky feet. *chuckle*;)

LID.. hubby discourages his kids from being a lawyer and I discourage them from becoming an Interior Designer. I think my son will be an engineer or architect, we shall see. My daughter has a flair for the dramatic (imagine that.) But claims to want to be either a doctor or teacher. Both noble.;)

Finished last... I know, thanks!;)

Rich.. hmmm an angle we didn't consider. We were worried with the blood and zombie angle. LOL. We shall see what happens when she's all grown up. ;)

Working Gal said...

That's cute! You almost wish you could get inside their brains and follow the path to how they get to some of this stuff!

LID said...

Ahhhh. Architecture the noblest of callings I say! LOL!

Angel said...

LOL!!!! That is too cute. Quite the imagination she has... and honesty!

Terry said...

I think pathology might just work woth those stinky feet!!

Thanks for the Moments with the Peanut!!

Angel said...

NP, Terry. Always happy to pass on the insanity here.