In keeping with my commitment to the group I joined over at Mom-o-matic's blog I am doing this post today. Accountability is key, right? I'm not going to give my weight. Some might not think it so bad others might be surprised and I don't want to tell. So there. This morning I weighed myself like I do every morning. Before my shower. Before I eat. I was told THAT is when you can find your 'true' weight (whatever that is.)
To my disgust the scale hasn't moved. True it hasn't gone up but it hasn't gone down either. I am stuck with the same darn 10 #'s for the past year and it's irking me. About 16 months ago I was my slimest ever (even more slim than when hubby first met me 13 years ago.) I was happy as a lark. I didn't starve myself, I moderated my diet and exercised.
Now that I'm 34 I was dilusional to think I could do it again. grrrr. I think it's time to get tough. It's time to lower the carb intake, it's time to take John's advice and eat Kashi cereal and it's time to cut back further (to nothing) on the dessert department.
What was surprising was that my tummy is almost completely flat and my clothes fit amazingly. Perhaps it's more than the # on the scale. I will still wage this war but so far the battle is going well. I am doing the treadmill still (last night infact) and crunches and such. Today I do my weight training and more crunches. And then back to treadmill Saturday. I suppose if I look the way I want to in my clothes and *gasp* bikini by April the # on the scale will matter little to me.
Dn;t sweat too much over the #'s on the scale. I know what it is like and self discipline can be a real bitch. I'll be cheering you on.
Yes she can be a real biotch, FL. Thanks for cheering me on! ;-)
You can do it!
I am such a freak that what lioux wrote has me harkening back to 'Water boy' and the line after that.... "You can do it.. all...night... long!" LMAO. I know. I'm not bad, I'm just drawn like that.
*claps hands wildly while jumping up and down* I've been tagged! FIRST TIME EVER! Thanks Lioux! You are totally a BFF!
Keep at it! Sometimes the little tweaks make a big difference.
Nice to meet you Gretchen! I know. I don't want to be just a mom. I want to be that mom in that Lincoln commercial (if you've seen it.) The one that gets out at the beach in a bikini and all the guys are looking at her and then her beautiful daughters get out. Yeah. I want to be that woman (but with one son, and one daughter and not a Lincoln... make it a beetle convertible. LOL)
Almost completely flat tummy....
Clothes fit amazingly.....
Whats in a number.. Sounds like you are doing a super job!!!
You Go Girl!!!!
The number on the scale does lie, so go with "how the clothes fit" (unless you had a laundry accident and shrank them!). What's important is weight and body fat %; the percent of our body weight carried as fat vs. muscle. If you are exercising, you may lose fat and gain muscle, which is GREAT! Of course, the bathroom scale will say the same. And muscle is more dense, so you will be smaller (in a good way). Keep up the great work (and lose the deserts; they're bad for you)
Terry.... Yeah I think so. But after having the kids the tummy is a frustrating area. It seems there might be a bit of extra skin. I've discussed with hubby a tummy tuck, which he supports if I want. Once my muscles are to the best I can get them I will look into it. Just because I'm a 34 year old mom is no reason to look like one.
Hey... Yesterday the guy almost carded me at the liquor store (here in PA we have to buy wine in a liquor store.) He said, "I almost carded you. I had to look a few times." Of course I smiled and replied, "Oh you're just saying that to make me feel good." But it worked! LOL
John.... I think you're right. I have no love handles, My thighs are almost as trim as I want them to be without being a body builder but it's my tummy that irks me. I covered the concern above. I think you're right that the # on the scale might not matter. But I still would love to say I weigh 109 instead of 118. I'm a snot. I guess I should be happy I fit in my size 3 & size 5 jeans and shut the hell up, right? LOL
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