Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Accidental OD.

So last night I was just plain exhausted. A cough is trying to take over me. I fell asleep on the loveseat until hubby woke me to go to bed. Some time last night I took cough medicine that hubby suggested I take to stave off the cough. In the middle of the night (around 2am) I was coughing uncontrollably and so I stumbled down to the kitchen and took a dose of the cough medicine. I made my way back up to bed only to be woken at 4 am by my son who was complaining about his feet hurting. When he is in a growth spurt his feet really hurt him. So I gave him some Tylenol. But by the time I was finished and began to walk from his bedroom to mine (which are across the house from one another) I began to feel funny.

My head was spinning and I felt clammy and could barely stand right. I quickly made it to my bed huffing and trying to steady the spinning. Then my stomach entered the picture. I thought for sure I would be sick. Finally, when I couldn’t regain my composure I woke hubby and begged him to get me a cool wet washcloth. He did, but I was too far gone. Before hubby returned from the hall bathroom I was off like a flash to our bathroom. I was only dry heaving since I hadn’t eaten since dinner around 5pm the night before. I laid down on the bathroom floor with the cool washcloth that hubby brought me. I fell asleep there. When I woke, whenever, I crawled to my bed. Even that was too much for me.

By 7:15 am, I woke realizing that I didn’t feel any better. My son had to be awake around 7:25 to feed, dress and send off to school. Luckily hubby stayed home to watch my daughter for my interview so his mind was already ready to stay home. Even though it was rescheduled he was free to stay home and get my son ready. I couldn’t walk right, I felt my equilibrium was screwed up and my blood pressure plunged (we have a blood pressure machine here to monitor hubby.)

That was when I found out the cough medicine has Codeine in it. Not only that but I took the medicine too close together. I pretty much almost OD’d on Codeine. I’m still not 100% but I’m functional. Thank goodness the interview was already rescheduled and hubby was home.

My cough is almost non existent and I’m off to bake. I hope I keep feeling better. I dodged a bullet, seriously.


lioux said...


I hope you're feeling better.

: )

Angel said...

I am. Freaky scary though. I'm a toughy tuba so I'm fine. I do have my mom yelling at me for taking the medicine hubby suggested. Ahhh moms. LOL

lioux said...

I <3 Mama Zhurr.

Rachel Emma said...

I'm sorry your not feeling too good, i hope you start to feel better soon.

Take Care,
Rachel Emma

Angel said...

Rachel Emma: Thank you for your well wishes. I'm fine. Just my own stupidity getting the better of me. But thank you for your concern.

I hope you had a good day. Warm thoughts always. Angel