Finding the slices of heaven.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The damn wreaths! *sigh* ~~ Revamped~~

So I put wreaths in all my front windows, including the one over the door in our two story foyer. But I put them on the outside of the windows or you wouldn't be able to see them. I have a neat system for my regular window ones but the one over the door is a sore spot between hubby and I.

Every year we fight putting it up. In the last 4 years we've lived in this house we have fought over it and 3 out of 4 times I have climbed the incredibly tall and wobbly ladder to put it up because he has said his solution is no wreaths. *sigh* So I tell him to bite me and I climb the ladder. Then I tell my parents who get pissed off. Wait until they hear that I had to hang it again this year. *double sigh*

In fairness to him he had just finished dropping something off at my parents and was on his way home when I phoned him and asked him to go back and get their ladder (which is taller than ours but never tall enough) and he did without even a grumble. He set up the ladder and even climbed it a few times but the top screw was too high for either of us to reach on that ladder. He was trying to figure out a frame system to hang it but daylight was burning and I suggested he come up with that for next year but in the meantime I had an idea. I told him what I thought and he said he couldn't do it so I climbed the ladder and did it. The deed is done for another year. I wonder if we'll argue again next year, I hope not.

I swear we will end up divorced over Christmas decorations. LOL. btw, I don't think that I was just joking. We've been married for 10-1/2 years and when we were first married we used to fight like cats and dogs over the lights and garland on the tree but we found a system and now we never fight over that anymore.

Also, it may sound like we argue all the time but we don't. Hubby's right, I don't cast him in a good light. He might bitch every year about the wreath but every year he's there trying to help me and in all fairness he's terrified of heights.

Anyway, I'll post a picture of my house later and you can tell me if it looks nice or not.


Angel said...

I can't wait to see a pic of the house! I was going to post on my blog about show me yours and i'll show you mine... i was going to take some pics of my house... however, i have a feeling i'll be sorry.. your house sounds... um... nice and fancy! i have a teeny tiny little old house.

Angel said...

Oh stop! My house isn't fancy.

Angel said...

Sure sounds like it... 2 story foyer, 11 front windows! Yeah... fancy.

Angel said...

Yeah but it's just the words that are know 'foyer' and 'windows' LOL.