Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Now I'm comfy at home with my daughter monkey and the animals (dog and cat who fight like the proverbial cat and dog. *sigh*)

Hubby is due home early. His work is moving from one building to another this weekend and they're packing their offices today. He even got to wear jeans which is awesome for a guy who wears a suit and tie every day.

If I don't get a chance to say this later to the Americans that read this:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day!

To those outside of the US that read this (and yes, Rachel Emma that includes you) I hope you have a great rest of the week. With hubby coming home early today plus dinner and family gatherings tomorrow I will probably not be able to blog until Friday or Saturday. I might still blog more today, we'll see. But I'm wishing you well. All of you!


Rachel Emma said...

Hi Angel

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family i hope you have a great day and rest of the week.

Take Care
Rachel Emma

lioux said...

Gobble. Gobble.

Angel said...

Rachel emma, thank you.

Have a good day out tomorrow. I hope the procedure and meetings go well.

Lioux.. I am going to gobble gobble up some turkey. How did you know? *smile*