Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

~~ Update and a BIG THANK YOU ~~

For those of you who have kindly sent well wishes to me today I want to say 'thank you' so much for the support today. Believe it or not I felt your presence today at the test. Thankfully you weren't there because those doctor's have terrible taste in fashion with those ever stylish paper mache robes that neither flatter nor close properly. I did have a thought that those would be interesting material for a wet t-shirt contest, but I digress.

It seems there is nothing abnormal going on (well, except for the fact that I am normally abnormal.) So a big "Phew" for that. It doesn't explain the pain except for scar tissue. The suggestion was surgery but it isn't life threatening so I'm going to research options.

Thank you again for all your virtual [[[hugs]]] and good luck sentiments. They were greatly appreciated.


lioux said...

: )

[[[Bear Hug]]]

Angel said...

*big grin and a sniffle* Thanks.....*exhale* You are such a sweetheart Lioux, really.

Angel said...

WHEW!!!!! Now email me with the details of what is going on. I'm curious and nosey:) LOL!!

I'm just glad today went so well!

Angel said...

Thanks chickie! email sent, happy reading.