Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Photo faux pas

My son's school pictures came in and look wonderful. He smiled perfect this year and has matured so much in the past year. So I give my parents one of his pictures and later my mom calls to chat. A few minutes into it she once again compliments my son on his photo. But then she points something out about the photo that I will never again be able to ignore. He's wearing a "U.S. Polo Assn." shirt and it's rippled so that what reads is "S. Polo Ass" *sigh* Thanks mom, thanks a lot.


Retail Zombie said...

You can always scan it at high res and photoshop that out.... I edit my brothers christmas pictures because one kid is always not smiling. A few minutes in photoshop and everyone is happy.

Angel said...

I know, but I never noticed it but for my mom pointing it out. He's smiling perfect and looks amazing. The shirt doesn't bother me at all. Actually, it's kind of funny.

Last year he smiled and looked like a cute little turtle, this year the shirt. I'll take it.