Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

*sigh*......*double sigh*


I'm spent.

My head is feeling like it's in a vice grip and that irks me to no end. I'm not my usualy bloggy self and I don't think I could stand another day like this. To top it all off, last night I get this thing that says that the new blogger version through beta is available. So with a foggy brain I switch it over and today, it's switched. What really ticks me off is that now that I switched over to what they say is new and perhaps better, I'm forced to go through 3 additional steps to get into my blog or to post a comment on a blog. It is far too annoying.

Then I switch my phone service today through my cable company for a sweet low rate with caller ID, and all the bells and whistles and I have to figure out how to make the caller ID work and set up the voicemail option. The guy was scheduled to come between 12pm and 4pm and rolls in around 3:50. I know, just in time. He hooked it up and then could only get one phone to work. He pushed the connection in farther and it works but the signal breaks up. *sigh*

I need to crawl into a dark room and sit in silence. I guess I've been feeling kind of down lately. I don't know if that is fueling my headache or not. I'm sure I'll be happier once it's gone. Yep, headache gone, Angel happy.


Angel said...

I feel like I'm looking in a mirror! Ok, your comment on my blog freaked me out only because I saw the name "angel". I thought, weird, did I comment on my own blog by mistake? Then I see you are 33, have two little ones and are a SAHM with the same name as me! YIKES! Too cool!

My name is Angel (Angelina actually) but I only go by Angel. Nice to have a new reader and reading this very post of yours was like reading one of my very own! LOL!

Angel said...

How funny is that!!! I'll have to visit your blog more often because that is so freakin' freaky. (and I have some clothes that say "Drama Queen" on it too) I know....stop scaring me. I'd say my full name but then I'd have to smack you with a wet noodle. LOL j/k. Hubby doesn't like me giving it out. But, Angel is the root of it.

Come back to see my weird blog anytime. It's always fun to have new blog friends!

Your blog is like reading my own too...I call my husband hubby. Now I'm really spooked. Take care!

lioux said...

You two are totally awesome!

Feel better Angel.

Angel said...

No, you are totally awesome Lioux. You too. Feel better, be better. *smile*