Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Parrrrr ---ty!

My weekend thus far.

Fun with hubby.


Fun with hubby. (sounds good so far, huh?)


Sit for 3 hours and pay bills. Oh yeah, that rocks, huh?

Now I am off to clean. And the fun continues. Wait! I'll throw doing some laundry in there! Woooooo hoooo! It's a regular party going on here!

Thank god I have two weekends of ACTUAL parties coming up. I need a nice evening out with adults. Cool thing is that they are paid by hubby's work, both of them. One is dinner, mock gambling and dancing. Love it. Free good food, free drinks. Woo hoo. The other one is dinner, mock game show, dancing. I need to go shopping. I need some tasteful sexy outfits.

'Where's hubby?' you ask. On the sofa. Yelling at the TV. Penn State is on TV. *sigh*

1 comment:

lioux said...

You wouldn't believe my Saturday.