Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

*smacks forehead*

In my previous post about 'quotable comedies' I completely forgot one of my favorite movies. Others may not agree but it's still one of my favorites...."Wedding Singer."

Love it, love it, love it!

Thank you ABC Family channel for having it on tonight to remind me.

And it came on at the drunken scene after he was left at the alter. I love this part:

Robbie: "You know what's funny, some of us will never ever find true love. Like take for instance, me, and I'm pretty sure that guy right there, and that lady with the sideburns, and basically everybody at table nine."

So for me, fatty over there, sideburn lady and the mutants at tabel nine....." ahhh *chuckle*

I CAN NOT believe that I forgot that movie!

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