Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Quirky moments with my little girl monkey

Quirky moment #1: We finally made it back to Sunday mass this week. My kids were really well behaved. But my daughter is short, like her mommy. Even standing on the kneeler while we were kneeling she had trouble seeing over people to the altar. While I was kneeling she said something that had me busting a gut. She said, “Hold me up mommy, I can’t see God.”

Quirkly moment #2: Yesterday, my daughter monkey said something that had me and hubby almost losing our ability to contain our bladders. I’m forewarning you, if you aren’t a follower of Spongebob squarepants you might not get this. My daughter was discussing Santa and how awesome he is. You see, we have been trying to get her to get out of pull-ups at night so we used the Santa angle. We told her that Santa will be happy with her if she stops peeing the bed. So for the past 10 nights she has done that. In the morning I told her how happy Santa was. She said, “Can I send Santa an email?” I replied yes. Btw…any parents out there, go to That’s where your kid can set up an account to email Santa directly their list and get an email letter back from the big guy. So I said, “Yes, later.” She was so excited and began to tell me how much she loved Santa and was going to tell him: “I love you for a week Santa for giving me presents. And then I’m going to say ‘Happy Leif Ericson Day. Hinder hunder gunt’.” I shit you not! She even said the shit at the end, just like on the Spongebob episode. I couldn’t stop laughing. I expected ‘Merry Christmas’ or, ‘Thank you.’ But not “Happy Leif Ericson Day, Hinder hunder gunt.” I mean, really, what parent would? Quirky girl

Quirky moment #3: Lastly, my daughter discovered the word dammit. While she was playing her game boy and couldn’t get the character to jump I heard her say, “Dammit.” I gasped. I explained that that is a bad word and to use ‘darn it’ instead or she might find out what soap tastes like. Hubby likes to blame me but I really try and not swear. I even say poop or darn to try to avoid such a moment. Besides, I don’t sit and swear at the TV during football games.

Ahhhhh my little girl monkey. You make me laugh.


lioux said...



Angel said...

I's YOUR fault lioux. Teaching my daughter such foul language. I should have known. Can I still have you over for dinner? Can I? *wink*

lioux said...

We'll be thinking about you...

Angel said...

awwwww [[[hugs]]] *sniffle* Thanks. Really. I'll update y'all when I get back. Maybe around 1:30 ish, depending. You're awesome Lioux and TW. Really.

Sizzle Pizzle said...

That was hilarious. I love SpongeBob. My favorite: Patrick and SpB think claustrophobia is a fear of Santa Claus. :)

Good luck today.

Angel said...

LMAO....saw that Spongebob yesterday and busted a gut. In the well. Patrick trying to scare Squidward by saying "Ho ho ho." too funny.

Thanks, Siz.

Angel said...

I love that first one! That is so sweet!

I don't follow Spongebob so that 2nd one was lost on me... but still sounds cute as hell!