Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, November 06, 2006

World wide web

My brother-in-law shared a humorous and cute story on Saturday night. My parents finally got a computer and today were connected to the internet for the first time ever. In light of that, my brother-in-law shared a story about when his mom got on the internet. He said his mom called after finally getting her internet connected and she was so excited. She said, "Do you know what I'm on?" and he responded, "No, what?" She replied, "I'm on the world wide web! I'm finally on the world wide web!"

He said, without laughing, "That's not what you want, you want the internet, that's what you should have gotten. That's what I have." She was all disappointed and replied, "Awww, all I have is the world wide web. How do I get the internet?"

We laughed hysterically. He's so cruel.

1 comment:

lioux said...

Does this mean EVEN more prospective Fans and Readers of DYD?!
