Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A date

I have a date with my treadmill tomorrow. I enjoyed eating and now I must pay. LOL.

Tomorrow we plan to take advantage of the warmer weather and put out our Christmas lights on the shrubs and the window wreaths. We have 11 front windows and I know I need to clean them too. *sigh*

But early I might venture out on 'Black Friday' for the first time ever. I have baking money I plan to put to good use. My son wants an air hockey table that I saw on special. I pray I wake up in time and then I pray I don't get trampled.


Angel said...

BLECK! BLACK FRIDAY! I will never go out into that mess. It's sick and wrong. But I'll avoid my soapbox discussion for now.

You know, I did think about it yesterday though, and realized that if I actually had a bunch of money to blow on gifts I would go out in it and get the best deals. But the fact is, I don't. That sucks... and so does black friday.

Angel said...

I had some baking money that I planned to use to get some mp3 players for cheap cheap cheap and I did. Woo hoo!

Btw, I avoid 'Black Friday' like the plaque but I really really wanted those mp3 players. Expect me to avoid that day in the future.