Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The beginning of a weird day

An odd morning.

I've had an odd morning.

First off, hubby was home and we were irritating each other and bickering. No big surprise there. We do that far to often. Anyway, our SUV's lease is up very soon and we aren't planning on keeping it so we had the end of the lease preinspection done here at our house. When he showed up we were worried. I kid you not, the man's eyes were going in different directions and his glasses were like coke bottle bottoms. And he went over our car with a fine toothed comb marking the tiniest of scuffs. The vehicle is 5 years old, it will have the scuffs. I think we only have a few things to take care of. How much that will set us back is anyone's guess. I've never done this before.

So Mr. car guy left and the phone rang. It was the principal at my son's school. Great. *sigh* Apparently my son was involved in an incident on the bus yesterday afteroon and neglected to tell me. What is it with him and the bus? He had a substitute bus driver and two kids in front of him were being too loud. After asking them to quiet down twice and they ignored him he smacked one. He was pulled into the principals office and talked to. I bet he was terrified. He wants to please everyone. Before I have a talk with him I think I'll hug him. He's probably worrying all day that I'm going to yell at him. Too much stress for a 6 year old. (Again, Dramamama, keep them young if you can. *double sigh*)

Then hubby leaves and I get my daughter and she is pouting. She explains why. We talk. *triple sigh*

I get another order for a tort. Wow.

Then I get a phone call for an interview. At National X Home Improvement Store. I hope it's for the Kitchen Design Department. I love those stores. I know I meationed that. It's different working there, I worked in the competitor for a spell.

Weird day so far. And I really must stop checking email. Really.


Angel said...

At least it's not windy there:) LMAO!

Ok, really, I hope it all works out well with your SUV. Whatchya gonna get in place of it? I know you want a car.

lioux said...

The good thing about weird days is they end.

Angel of Design said...

You know, I'm sure my tone sounds bad but I'm okay, really. Maybe that's what's weird. I'm not the least bit upset. I expelled it all with my previous rant on the other blog.

Lioux, I hope you are fairing well and the nepharious paper has stopped taunting you.

Angel of drama, it's raining. Wait! Holy Crap! Is that? could it be? A ray of sunshine? Shock!

We are discussing what we will do. Hubby wants a Jetta. I get to keep the van. It's ugly and old but.....we own it! No car payment and that rocks!