Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, November 10, 2006

SAHM Battles

So far I have successfully avoided any work around here outside of showering for the day and feeding my monkeys. I know I've been concerned about two fellow bloggers but my inactivity has more to do with being unmotivated than anything else.

And now I'm wearing a white shirt, so you know what that means? Yep, clutsy day of dropping messy things and narrowly missing spilling it on my shirt. I'll keep that up all day thinking I was successful until I remove it to put it in the hamper only to discover I wasn't all that successful. Then, if I go out in public, I'll wonder when the spot occurred and how sloppy I looked. *sigh* That's battle #1.

Battle #2 is my willpower against that big bucket-o-candy that was left over from attempting to rot the neighborhood kids teeth. I bought full-sized candy bars this year. A bunch of them. I made sure I had enough candy for the number of kids we had last year. Only this year, it rained. A lot. The whole time. We got very few kids. The kids have 2 hours but within about 50 minutes the streets were deserted. I got to talk to my Sicilian neighbor most of the time while hubby lugged the monkeys around begging. But now we're left with the pit of temptation that is chalked full of chocolately goodness. Yum. Damn it! I need to just hand it out to passerbys. This won't help me stay in shape! So that's battle #2. Me, myself and my lovely friend chocolate.

Battle #3 is with two things. Laundry and dishes. No matter how hard I try the hamper and dishwasher never seem to stay empty. The dirty items multiply faster than horny bunnies.

The last battle, battle #4 is that today, on Nickelodeon is an all day Spongebob Squarepants marathon entitled "The Best day ever". Since 8pm last night they began to show the 100 best Spongebob Episodes followed by a new one tonight and concluded with the Spongebob movie, which I can almost quote now. So the last battle is for my sanity. I mean I already quote the show and movie.

Well, enough blogging for a moment. I'm off to battle my laundry room and kitchen. Pray I keep my shirt clean and untouched by chocolate. *sigh*


Angel said...

Girl, I haven't even tackled the battle of the shower yet, so you are way ahead of me. I just don't give a shit today. As for the candy, I'll give you my address, send it over. My willpower is non exisitant and isn't welcome here anyway. I'll eat it.

Laundry, dear lord, for every load I do, 3 more pile up. I did a good job catching up yesterday and had I actually thrown a load in today I might be all caught up. But what's the fun in that?

Angel said...

Psssst, one more thing... look what I get to visit whenever I want...

We have a nice silver bucket full of Hershey's goodies right now. We were there just a few weeks ago. It's a lovely store. YUM-OH!

lioux said...

Hey Angel. Thanks for today.

Have a great weekend.

Angel said...

Dramamama..... I hear ya! Holy crappin pile. I'm folding 4 loads as I sit here.

Three more to do. I'm not a slacker, just too much laundry with sheets, towels...blah blah blah. But I don't need to tell you.

I'll check that out in a sec.

Angel said...

[[[hugs]]] Lioux. You're welcome babe. Recharge this weekend. I hope Monday is a good one.