Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


So my parents got the internet hooked up yesterday and I gave them my blog address. (and my story homepage but I doubt they'll visit that. LMAO)

My mom called and said she looked at my blog but she had to go to work today and couldn't read a lot of it. I told her not to worry about it.

Then she said, "That cartoon picture that you have up looks just like you." Awwww mom, *blush* thanks.


lioux said...

Tell your mom it's called an "Avatar".

We'll have her internet savvy in no time.

Angel said...

She is terrified of computers. But when we got our first one in the 80's (ahh the Apple 2E) my father made us all (my two sisters, myself and my mom) sit for 3 hours while he read us the manual, cover to cover. Riviting stuff.