Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bettering my brain.

I know I'm busy.
I know I love it that way.

But I got to thinking lately that I have neglected my brain. Oh sure I read. But as good as erotic romance is for many things, it isn't always thought provoking.

So last night I researched and compiled a list of the top 100 classic books to read. I checked off the ones I have read and plan to start reading. Perhaps I will have them all checked off before I leave this rock.

Yes, another 'to do' list. LOL.


lioux said...

; )

Angel said...


Angel said...

you are way to ambitious for me.

this is how i challenge my brain

I'm stoooopid, remember.


Must reads:
"The Rolling Eyes" by Lioux Zhurr
"Yes, Sigher" by Train Wreck
"Halo, I Love you" by Angel

Angel said...

How about,

"How To Rule On The Dark Side: Memoirs of two Devil Tarrot's"

coauthors: Train Wreck and Angel