Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Little pearls of wisdom

This blog post was inspired by Train Wrecks blog. On there he highlights celebrities and what a mess they look or are. I happened upon these enlightening celebritie quotes. These are gems:

”Wal-mart… do they like make walls there? ” Paris Hilton

And folks, this young woman spends more on clothes in one month than we might make in a year. Tell me that's fair?

“Smoking Kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life”. Brooke Shields

Please tell me she didn't REALLY say that?

“It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago”. Dan Quayle, former US Vice-President

Holy crap! This guy couldn't think his way out of a wet paper sack, or spell potato. LOL

"I can honestly say all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly attributed to drugs and alcohol. I mean, I would never urinate at the Alamo at nine o'clock in the morning dressed in a woman's evening dress sober." Ozzie Osbourne

True dat, Ozzie, True dat

"I'm known as this retard . . . I want to grow up. I don't want to be the drunk girl."-- Tara Reid

I can see her plan is working out well for her then. *rolls eyes* (that was for you Lioux. *chuckle*)

"I have a tattoo on my most private part of Mickey and Minnie Mouse involved in a sexual act. It's my sense of humor."-- Janet Jackson

WTF? Apparently Janet's into cartoon porn. Oh, sorry, I mean Miss Jackson (since I'm nasty. You the song goes. "Call me Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty. Oh never mind.)

"It's useless to hold a person to anything he says while he's in love, drunk, or running for office."-- Shirley MacLaine

What if he was a drunk in love running for office? Oh wait, they all are. LMAO.



Thanks for the mention Angel.
I'm thinking about including Shirley MacLaine as the latest train wreck but as annoying as I may find her, she hasn't butchered her face or become addicted to cocaine so I'm leaving her off for now. I guess I should consider gross stupidity like Paris Hilton or Tara Reid, cndidates for Train Wreck but not quite yet. Tara will be there shortly if she continues the drinking and drugging.

lioux said...

Oh...I'm soo familiar with many, many of these quotes.

Angel said...

I just liked Shirley MacLaines because it seemed appropriate with elections coming up and all the insane political commercials we must endure.

We can make fun of Paris Hilton but she'll never know what it's like to HAVE to work to get by. Sad.

Tara Reid? She's out there, really really out there. I read recently that she felt she had a botched boob job and said to the press, "I'll never be a 10 again." That's a bit narcissistic, wouldn't you say?