Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, November 10, 2006

A day survived

So I actually got a productive moment and worked on the dishes. You'll be glad to know that that foe has been vanquished and the dishwasher is ready for another battle another day.

After folding four loads and fighting through another few loads into the machines I feel it is a battle won but not the overall war. *sigh* Still, I shall carry on and fight the good fight.

In the end, I avoided the chocolate....for now. LOL. Spongebob was averted for a few hours but has returned and I can deal with it.

All in all the battles were fought well. Only one white t-shirt, *sigh*


Angel said...

Congrats on the victories!

I too took on a battle... my upstairs. While I cleaned the entire downstairs yesterday, today was the war of the upstairs. And I too was victorious. WOOT!

However, the battle of the shower still has not been won. Poor hubby.

Angel said...

So in many ways we both were victorious. I say you take a victory shower and pamper yourself for a job well done!

Angel said... is so confusing you using Angel too. It's crazy having the same name, isn't it? LOL

lioux said...


I could totally be your *Charlie*, Angels.

Angel said...

Lioux!!!!! Is that you? Does that mean? Could it mean? *gasp*