I feel like a copy cat today but I have been very unimaginative lately. I have tons of baking orders coming in and perhaps my mind is elsewhere. Anyway, this post was inspired by
Dramamama and her recent post
"100 Things That you Never Wanted to Know." We only met via online recently and have been freaked out by how similar we are. So to further scare her, and me, here's my list. Compare and contrast at your leisure. I have put one * for somewhat similar and two *'s for freakishly similar items
100 [MORE] Things That you Never Wanted to Know
1. I was born in Pennsyvania in 1972
2. Both my parents are alive and live only 5 minutes from me.
3. I love iced tea, sweetened iced tea. I drink it by the gallons, homemade with lipton tea bags.
4. I can not drink my iced tea without ice. What’s the point,right?
5. I was told in 1992 by a palm-reader on vacation that I would have two kids: one boy and one girl and hubby would wear a suit to work.
6. She was 100% correct: Boy age 6-1/2, girl age 5.
7. I think they are the most beautiful and hysterical kids alive.
8. I hate spiders and ants. I refuse to kill them if hubby is home, if he isn’t, I become the terminator. I will kill spiders with the largest thing I can find and I do it with relish.
9. I am a potato chip nut.
**10. I color my hair, now. From my teens to 20’s I had the perfect hair color and got compliments. Now, after kids, it gets dark and I fix that.
11. I'm an Interior Designer, with a degree in it even.
12. I can build things: ie, I built a brick mailbox, pool deck, kids wooden swingset, fire pit, as well as interior renovation. I can use a miter saw, a level and such with some skill. I’m actually jonesing for a jig saw.
**13. I think that Rescue Me is (one of) the best show(s) on television.
**14. I have OCD. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
15. I hate my feet, sometimes I hate my height.
16. I start many projects but have to push myself to finish them.
17. I married a very stubborn polish/german man.
18. We almost split up over a guy I met online last year.
19. We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary this past May.
20. I have never been in the mountains.
21. I love to organize things. My family teases me and says I’m like Monica on ‘Friends’ with the label maker. I love making my home organized and more efficient. Any connection to #14?
22. I hate clutter, it drives me freakin insane. But that goes with #21. LOL
23. I used to always be late. I just start 15 minutes earlier.
24. This is my 1st marriage.
*25. I LOVE being a stay at home mom. The desire to have less debt and more money in savings propells me to seek employment, part time. Until my daughter starts school full-time in a few years.
26. The house my parents had bought before I was born is the house I lived in my whole life. It’s only 5 minutes from me. I live in the town I grew up in.
27. My father was a senior quality control inspector for robotic arms and is a perfectionist. It’s hard to live with a perfectionist.
*28. I miss my flat tummy that I used to have... but wouldn't trade my kids for anything. I’m working on exercising that pooch away.
*29. I'm a romantic, but I would consider myself more an erotic kinky girl. Romance is great and so is great s*x. LOL.
30. I don't consider myself to be an interesting person, but I have done a small amount of interesting things.
*31. I LOVE making people laugh and I’m constantly worrying that I’m offending people. I have this obsession with being liked and avoiding rejection.
32. I’ve always wanted to be a mom and have contemplated becoming a lawyer but don’t want the student loans.
33. I hate Pennsylvania. I want to live somewhere that’s warm but not too warm and in the winter doesn’t get too cold.
34. I love snow when I’m sledding or making snowmen with my kids. Any other time it can go away. Okay, it’s pretty to look at from the warm confines of my home.
35. I'm very opinionated and not very knowledgable when it comes to computers.
**36. I have never broken a bone in my body.
**37. I hate drinking water and rarely do.
38. I love chocolate but try to avoid it unless I get a serious craving.
39. I'm a spontaneous person with some things and others I’m a planner.
40. I'm a sucker for junk food. Can't resist it.
41. I love almost all Impressionist’s paintings.
**42. I have two sisters, one older and one younger.
43. I’ve been told I’m a great cook (my mom is a stupendous cook) and my baking sells pretty well.
44. I make sure there is one baked dessert in the house at all times, especially when my son gets home from school.
45. I'm only 5'0".
**46. I'm VERY pale... very very very pale. Transluscent actually, *snicker* I’m not supposed to tan because I have many many beauty marks that could become suspicious to my dermatologist but I live on the wild side.
**47. I love the color red... wearing it, decorating with it. My kitchen, family room, entry way, dining room and master bedroom suite all have red in it.
48. I am overly dramatic and have very expressive facial reactions. I have a pair of underwear that reads “Drama Queen.”
49. I love to jump out and scare people. My family did this all the time growing up. Some people think it’s weird, my new brother-in-law hates it. In my house we scare each other once a week. Such an adreneline rush!
50. I have visited 12 states and Canada a few times.
**51. I love maps. I could read an atlas for hours, just for fun. I love love love maps. I have to fold the map because hubby can never fold it right. See #14.
**52. I have an amazing zest for life. I can find beauty and interesting things anywhere I visit. I ALWAYS STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES.
**53. I love architecture and truly enjoy looking at and taking pictures of old buildings. I love learning their history as well but that should be a given since I'm an interior designer and used to work with architects.
54. I had one dog growing up for one week. He peed on the carpet and my mom returned him. With three young kids and a hubby who worked all the time it was too hard. I now have my first dog ever, hubby let me get my dream dog… a cocker spaniel named Amber.
55. I grew up with cats. I still have a cat from when we first married. She’s 10-1/2 and is named Eponine. Hubby named her after a character in one of my favorite musicals. When Eponine was 2 we got another cat around Easter. I named him Simba. 6 days later he was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia and I had to put him down, right then, right there. I held him until he passed and I was a mess. I had the whole vet office crying.
**56. I'm still very heartbroken.
*57. I have hazel eyes. When I’m upset or angry they are more golden. When I’m aroused they are more green... very weird.
58. In 5th-7th grade I was in the ‘IN’ crowd but in the 8th grade, for an unknown reason no longer in the ‘IN’ crowd.
59. I found out at my 11 year reunion why I was ‘outed’ and it was stupid. I talked to everyone in school.
60. I have trouble keeping warm. Can’t stand too hot or too cold weather. I can handle a hot day with air conditioning and my pool
61. I’m very proud of my kids. My favorite thing is to have conversations with them, they say the most amazing and imaginative things.
62. My favorite alcoholic drink is Captain Morgan and coke. I buy it by the jug and I think I’ve gotten an immunity to it.
63. I'm a lightweight. In college I could drink like a champ but since having kids, I’m a cheap date.
64. I can’t handle hangovers anymore and do everything I can to avoid it.
65. I think my face is too round and gets flushed too easily.
66. I think my upper arms look fat even though they are not.
67. I can't sleep with socks on. I have to feel the sheets with my bare feet. One foot has to be along the edge of the bed or I won’t fall asleep.
68. Hubby could talk to me or drop something and I’d sleep through it but let one of my kids wimper and I am up like a flash.
69. I’m terrified of flying and almost had a panic attack on the plane to my honeymoon. In 2005 we went to Disney World and I had to get a medication to keep me calm.
70. I hate the feeling of crumbs on my bare feet, I vacuum my kitchen floor twice a day at least. And a wet sock is too much to handle. I hate wet socks.
**71. I love email. Love it. I love receiving it and get REALLY pissed when it's 99% junk mail. I hate being tricked. And I HATE HATE HATE SPAM email about stock tips or penis enhancements.
72. I just ate a sandwich with potato chips and iced tea.
73. I'm a sagitarian... in every way.
**74. I love the smell of gasoline, pungent black markers and rubber glue (psychooooo).
THIS IS JUST TOO FREAKY! My mother constantly teases me about my love of the smell of rubber cement.
75. I nearly died giving birth to my son and breast feeding my daugther got me really sick so two kids are all we’re having.
76. I can’t sit still, ever. I always have to be doing something.
77. I have a bad knee due to an old softball injury.
78. I loved softball. I played for 9 years, even on traveling allstar teams until I dislocated my knee. I LOVE to sing and used to be a part of two auditioned groups in high school. One was very hard to get in and I was in it for 3 years, I lettered in it. I miss singing.
79. I hate my van and SUV and can’t wait to get a regular car in January!
**80. I'm afraid to swim in lakes and oceans because I don't know what's lurking in the water. I will only swim in pools. (Freaky similarity.)
81. I have lived only one state. I’ve only lived in 3 towns.
82. I have a list of ‘things to do before I die’ and I plan to do them all. All I tell you!
83. I truly feel that most people think I'm a huge, loud mouthed, self-centered biotch, but they put up with me because I can be funny and I try to bend over backwards to be helpful to people.
84. Whenever I'm with a group of friends I feel like the shortest and most shy but after 15 minutes I tend to talk a persons ear off.
85. The craziest thing I have ever done was hmmmm, lets see, skinny dip in my back yard pool (neighbors are close) or having s*x on the beach on more than one occasion.
86. Obviously, I don't regret doing it because it was meant to be. (LOL I think this still applies.)
87. I do NOT miss Erie, PA, not ever. That’s where I went to college.
88. I get along with some of my inlaws. Hubby is the oldest of 8 kids. One is in a religious cult. His parents are a bit crazy and there are issues there.
89. I want to be cremated. I don’t know where I want to be kept or thrown over.
90. I have a weird fear that no one will come to my funeral.
**91. I dread dying at a young age and I'm terrified of growing old.
92. I regret having so many people in my wedding.
*93. Even though I'm 33 (almost 34 *gasp*), I don't feel it. I still feel 18 and I’m always disappointed when I’m called ma’am.
*94. Without a list I'm horrible at time management and I procrastinate a lot.
95. I graduated high school in 1991 and college in 1996 and put my hubby through school for his post graduate degree until 1999.
96. In college I chocolate pudding wrestled. I would relive my college years in an instant.
97. In March of ’99 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (thus the inability to keep warm) and two months later I was pregnant with my son.
98. I didn’t know undiagnosed hypothyroidism could cause infertility or that by taking my medicine for it I’d become really fertile. My son was meant to be, regardless.
**99. I stress over little things but rise above during major crisis situations. I handle those much better than daily little stresses.
**100. I brake for squirrles and other animals.
There you have it folks. 100 things you never knew you never wanted to know about me. And Dramamama, too many similarities but we aren't clones.....*phew*