Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Am I weird?

I know I said that there was a moment when my kids made me break down but I got over it quickly enough. And I know that sometimes my 6 year old is a bit of a handful but as his bus drove away this morning I had a sadness in me that I have every Monday or day after an extended weekend. I missed him already. While I love the time alone I miss him when he's gone. Am I weird?

All I know is that I feel like my kids are a part of me and when they are away I don't feel whole. While I enjoy the peace and time to myself I only feel whole when they are all back home. My mom used to say when we all got home that 'all her chicks were back in their nest.'

And he makes it harder by looking like a little angel when he was sleeping. But I had to wake him, feed him and get him dressed. I hope you have a great day at school, honey! *sniffle*


Anonymous said...

hello! it is good that you miss your son when he go's to school. when i read that you feel happy when he leaves too...well your son is still young and whatever it is you still have to take care of him no matter what because he is your own flesh and blood i just want to ask 1 question do you show that you love him?

Angel said...

Oh my do I ever. He still sits on my lap for stories. I tell him probably 12 times a day that I love him. In his lunch box is always a new joke with 'love mom' note for him to know I'm even thinking of him then. If I listed all the ways I show it, it would be a long long comment.

Anonymous said...

Your not weird you are just a parent. we all walk the tightrope of craving grown up time with missing out on even a second of their lives, of glorying in each milestone independence while still wishing they needed us to still do certain things for them. @ thirds of mine are teenagers now and they are more fun than ever but last night I hugged my daughter goodnight and told her I thought she should go back to being 10 again. (sigh now you got me feeling all nostalgic.)

Angel said...

I'm sorry FL for making you feel all nostalgic. I just feel so freaky. It's not like I want him to get out of the house I just end up knowing I need a break. Not from him just from it all. When he leaves I feel guilty because I feel like I shipped him off. I know I didn't, he HAS to go to school. *sigh* I do love my kids, so much it can't be measured. I just hope that as they grow up they know that.

Angel said...

btw, FL, good for you in hugging your daughter regardless of age. My father always always huged us. I don't know how he survived 3 of us girls but he did. And he always hugged us. He had his moments but I never doubted that he loves me. Now he is loving the added testosterone that has been added. LOL

cheex said...

If you're weird, then so am I!!

Kids are supposed to drive you nuts at times..that's just what they do. And that's why they're so yummy at times you'll put up with the nuts part!!

Mine are 2 and 8 months...I can't imagine waking them for school and sending them off into the world, but I will someday. I feel for ya!

Angel said...

Let me tell you Cheex that the first time I did that with my son I cried. I cried hard. I sent my baby into the big cruel world with equally cruel kids.

Next year it will be my daughter (who is in preschool but I drop her off) There is something about putting them on that big yellow bus and watching it pull away.

LID said...

Ah, the eternal conundrum! Can't wait until they leave -- can't wait until they get home. You're so not "weird," you're so very normal! You'll be planning a makeover for his room when he leaves for college, yet ball your eyes out all the way home, after you drop him off -- be prepared!

Angel said...

You are not weird! You are a MOTHER!

I feel that way most times too.

I still have a hard time saying goodbye to the boys when I drop them off at Grandma's, I miss them so much but I do enjoy the peace and productivity that comes with them being gone for the day. Those days are rare, I don't drop them off anywhere usually, but sometimes the need arises. Anyway, I feel the same way.

Angel said...

Long Island dad....thank you for the reassurance. I appreciate it. I could have done without the super fast forward through my life though. YIKES! hee hee j/k

Dramamama... I always feel so terrible after the bus pulls away that I had actually looked forward to him being in school. It's made worse when he has had a bad day at school the day before (kids can be mean grrrr.) I was hoping I was normal (relatively speaking. LOL)