Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I have a huge favor to ask all my wonderful, stupendous blog friends.

My BIL's have a band. I posted about it before. About a week ago I heard about a band contest and called them excitedly. Every band wants to make it big but these are my Brother-in-laws! So they got their packet together and entered. If they make it to the semi-finals they get to play in front of industry reps and label people and such. If they won they would get a chunk of money, a signing deal and many other things.

The first round started today and in order to get into the semi-finals they need to get tons of good votes. GOOD VOTES!!! Like 10's!!!!

I will post a link to the site here. The band name is Margin art.

Please please please vote. You can only vote ONCE. And a #10 vote is what we need! I will love you forever if you do this for me!!!! Click on the link and scroll down (they're alphabetical) to Margin Art. You can listen to their song, they write their own. They have been inspired by Green day and many many others. I would be so excited if they did well. (they were in the MTV college band competition and made it to the top 50 college bands in the US but needed more votes.......)

Please comment and let me know you voted so I can give you my thanks!!!!

Voting ends Friday January 26th. Thanks!!!

*** oh and if you have time.... please give ALL the other bands a 1 vote. ***


Terry said...

OKAY Okay. Quit your begging!! *hee hee*..

I followed the link and cast my votes!! Yes plural, all 1s except for the BILs.. I gave em a ten. Good Luck and keep us posted.

Angel said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! If you're in town I'll buy you a coffee!! You are so awesome!

John said...

Well, I'm trying to listen to them, before voting. (It seems like the right thing) but so far all I can get from any of the bands is spits and spurts of sound. Maybe the website is overwhelmed with traffic from your referral ;-)

I'll give it one or two more shots, before just giving them my 10.

Angel said...

That sounds fair, John. If they aren't up to your liking then don't vote. I'll understand.

lioux said...

I just totally voted!

Angel said...

You totally rock, Lioux. You are awesome (but you knew that.) Btw, I made cookies yesterday and are delicious (chocolate chip) Do you and CW-D like chocolate chip? If so I will totally send you some next batch I make. Let me know!

lioux said...

C-W D and I Love, Love, Love chocolate chips!!!

Angel said...

That is totally awesome! Next time I make them I'll time it so I can get it to your addy and you can share them with CW-D!!!