Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Cleaning jag and weird thoughts

With my decorations away I am on a cleaning jag. I'm fighting off one of my migraines (must talk to a doctor) and pondering the weird thoughts I have on ocassion.

My daugther had preschool this week as usual (which is wed-friday) and I drive across town to drop her off after sending my son off on his school bus. Then before lunch I pick her up again. In my drive I pass by my church. Outside they have built a new brick sign with the Parish's name on the top and under it is one of those digital signs or pixilated signs or whatever you call it. It has messages flashing on it or scrolling that can be programmed. Now I don't know how one works those things but an odd thought kept coming back to me as I drove by the sign each way.

It has a nice 'Have a Blessed Day' message followed by the mass schedule for the week. And that got me to thinking. What if the person in charge had a jokster moment and decided to alter the message for one hour one day and then flip it back to normal as if nothing happened.

I would find it kind of amusing if you drove by the sign and it said: "Run! Run for your lives! The end is here!" or near Easter it could say, "Special guest speaker: Jesus Christ. First 100 in the door get free IPods."

Okay, I feel better sharing my odd thoughts with you. Now my mind can move on. LOL


LID said...

Our church also has a outside signboard though not digital. As a member of my church's board of trustees for many years I know the inner workings of church administration well. I can tell you that the approval process of what goes on the message board is long and arduous. Then, once decided, it's left up to one old 60 year member, the only one with the keys, to change it. I'm sure it's harder to tamper with a church's message board than hack the CIA's mainframe. But now that you've got me thinking...Hmmm...oh damn the Xanaxs wearing off...

Angel said...

Darn the realities of the innerworkings of a church to quash my devious plans to freak passerbys with a goofy message. All hopes are dashed to sneak into the rectory and type those humorous messages. Thanks Long Island Dad... lol j/k

Angel said...

I bet if they did that your church would gain a lot of parishoners! Believe me, a church with a sense of humor is a huge draw:)