Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I know that there are accents. New York has one, Boston has one, there is a Southern accent, Canadians have one and you can go on and on with this line of thinking.

But did you know that a percentage of people who live in the city of Pittsburgh have an accent or language all their own? It's called 'Pittsburghese'. Now I don't have a thick Pittsburghese and have worked very hard all my life to avoid it. My parents have a slight twang of it and some of my aunts and uncles are worse than that. I have met some with a full blown Pittsburgh accent.

If you aren't familiar with this you might wonder...what does this sound like?

Well here you go. Please remember, I DO NOT talk this way.

Go directly to testing yourself on Pittsburghese.

Here is the main webpage on this subject. Talking like a Pittsburgher (like you really want to. LOL)

Let me just say that I think that Pittsburghese sounds highly uneducated and rediculous but it's fun to laugh at. Hubby makes fun of someone at work who talks like this, well teases is probably a better word.


lioux said...

The Zhurr family moved to Jersey from New England when I was 9.

I remember consciously thinking I have to lose this accent because it's different from the way others around me were talking.

My parents still talk with their accents, still drop their "R"s--and on occasion without even thinking about it, I'll still lapse into mine.

Angel said...

Well, I don't specifically about Pittsburg but I for one know that Baltimore and Phili seem to have the same type of accent. I immediately know when someone is from those areas. It's VERY distinct to me. But I guess I'm in tuned to different accents. I wonder if the Pittsburg accent is the same. I'll have to take a listen.

What's worse is that no matter where I live I pick up the accent. I don't know why but it's virtually involuntary.

Angel said...

Lioux....Interesting. I'm trying to imagine the accent on you, although that is kind of hard since I haven't heard your voice. Still.....I think I can imagine it. LOL. That would kind of hard to pronounce your last name. hee hee.

A Philadelphia accent is UNmistakable. A former neighbor, a very nice woman who lived across the street, had a thick Phili accent.

Pittsburgh accents are horrible, IMO. Unless they are in morning radio skits making fun of people it rakes on my nerves. I take great strides to watch how I speak.

If you went to 'test yourself' on the website you could have heard the accent. Eeek.

Some of the words used are:

Jaggoff: That's a name you don't want to be called. It's a bad name. I think it's another form of the 'f' word so jaggoff is like f*cker. And jaggin' around is like 'f'in around.'

Jagger bush: Another word used for a sticker bush or a bush with thorns.

If you took the 'test yourself' section here are the answers, since they don't offer you any correction key.

#1."Quit jaggin around with dat jumbo”

Means "Quit playing with your food/hotdog." So the answer is Someone is playing with their food.

#2"Dawn is rilly nebby." The answer is "Don is a really nosey person."

#3."What yinz doin en at?" That means "What are you doing?" So the correct answer is "Tell me everything you two are doing."

#4 "Get aht, dere’s a fahr in da filled!" means "Get out, there is a fire in the field." So get out of the field and call 911.

#5 "If yinz wants served, raise your hans."

Correct answer is "If you want to be served, raise your hands."

It's a lazy accent and you can hear it a bit downtown (or as those with the accent pronounce it..."Dawntawn.")

*sigh* I need to move.

LID said...

I just wouldn't be makin' fun of any Steelers fans though...They're nuts!

Angel said...

LOL.... what? Long Island Dad, I'm a Steeler fan. But I'm not nuts. The guys in the stadium all painted up? They are nuts, but doesn't every NFL team have overly done fans that live and breathe their team? I love my team but I don't go overboard. And think about this, when I met hubby.....he was a Brown's fan. Natural born enemies married. LMAO.

I did want to remove this post. It's embarassing to hear the accent. I don't talk like that. Perhas one day I'll brave it like Drammama and You tube myself.