Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Frustration and exhaustion

It has been a day. I can't post about all the cute things and glaze over the tough moments of being a parent.

Today has been a tough day.

After all the morning fun hubby decided to get plywood for in the attic so we can put all our holiday containers up in the attic instead of the basement. You see we have projects we want to do and there is always a project to do in order to get to said project like:

#1 Finish the basement. In order to do this we need to rid most of the clutter, part 1 is get items in the attic and part 2 is organize the garage.

#2 New shower. In our master bathroom we have a corner shower. We are not overly tall or large people but this shower is tight. And what I don't understand is that our bathroom is large enough (even with the windows) to have a larger one. In order to put a new shower in we have decided to reuse the old one once removed. When we finish the basement we have the rough ins for a full bath down there so we thought, why waste it, right? It's only 4 years old, the house. So we would remove it and put it in the basement.

So you see, one project has to be proceeded by another one.

Today we did the attic flooring. (tomorrow we put the containers up there.) During this time I had to hand hubby huge hunks of plywood through the opening in the ceiling. This involved climbing a ladder with my hands holding onto the wood. I did the treadmill and lifted weights today also. So after 9 large pieces of wood I was wipped out. Add to that lifting myself off the ladder and into the attic 4 times to help figure out how to place them.

Why 4 times. Someone had to keep an eye on the kids too.

So when I get done I shower to get the fluff fiberglass off me for safe keeping and then find my kids. They had destroyed (I kid you not) every room in the house. There was stuff everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

I started getting miffed, then really miffed then just plain angry as I became drill sargent mommy to get them to put things back where they belonged. I try and not yell and I always try to walk away and take a deep breath before getting too upset. But everyone has a breaking point and I snapped when my son repeatedly talked back to me after several warnings.

My son ended up in bed for a time out and my daughter cleaning up her mess (since most of it WAS hers.) By the end I left the toy room and their bedrooms and made my way through the house to the rest of the mess. I slipped into the laundry room where I broke down in tears.

We don't get time off, we don't get to walk away from work and I don't have anyone to wisk my kids away now and then for a piece of sanity. I suppose I saw my breaking point. Usually it's hubby losing it and me holding things together. Today he held things together. He then lectured the kids about not taking me for granted and if they loved me they would #1 put their things away and #2 they are to never talk back to me.

May tomorrow be better. Monday they don't have school so.... I hope our bad day is behind us.


Terry said...

You sound like a great Mom and are really lucky to have such a wonderful husband!! Sorry to hear your day was so tough...

Difficult at times, but "the good" by far always outweighs "the bad".

Keep your chin up.. Spring will be here soon!

LID said...

1. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? 2. Isn't it great to have a true partner to "pick up the pieces" when things go south? 3. Today's lesson: Don't "work out" on a day when construction is in the plan. *Chuckle*

Anonymous said...

My kids never do stuff like that (HA!) Just yesterday I had to give the 17 year old a bit of a dressing down over her snotty tone with both her mom and me. You're doing great. (Hugs)

Sally said...

Sounds like you handled it GREAT!

I think you need to find someone to whisk your kids away occasionally, so you can have YOU hubby, no kids, maybe you just and a girlfriend...or you on your own.

I'm always willing to hang out with my friends' kids for a few hours so they can just get some stuff done, or just relax...but I'm too far away to help you.

Got any girlfriends around? Even the ones w/o's good practice! =)

Angel said...

Terry... thanks for the support and well wishes. It was a tough day yesterday. A good night sleep after a few banana daquiris and I'm recharged for a new day.

long island dad... 1. Yes, I am like Hercules now. LOL 2. Yes, it is when he does. 3. Hubby didn't tell me we'd be doing construction. Advanced notice please.

finished last... ah, I know it continues and I know I'm at the beginning of the train ride. 17 going on 25 right? Thanks for the vote of confidence. [[hugs back]]

Sally... I was just telling hubby how much I need a GF to hang out with on ocassion. All my BFF's from college live in other states and have busy lives too. We rarely see each other. I need a GF who will 'get' me and then I'll get out. My littlest is getting signed up for Kindergarten for next year. The year after, 1st grade. Serenity is there, at least during school hours.

Until then, The role of BFF in person is open for any takers. I can be funny and really supportive and I bake really good. I can give design advice, love to dance, have coffee and am interested in pilates classes. End of classified. LOL

Retail Zombie said...

Screw the old shower.... how about a sauna/hot tub/wet bar.

Rachel Emma said...

Your a great mum and your kids sound wonderful. Your very funny and you've become a very supportive friend to me. You'll have no trouble finding a bf.

Take care,
Rachel Emma

John said...

Sounds like you had one of those days we all have once in awhile. And you did a fine job with it. Just be careful when you work out next time (no heavy lifting later on).
It's hard seeing them grow up, sometimes, but my guess is you'll enjoy those few hours next year when the littlest is in kindergarten.

Angel said...

LOL, Kintner, nice idea. We have a garden tub in the master bath and have plans for a whirlpool. A hot tub is in a few years on the patio. I wonder what it would be like to be in it when it snows? The shower and bath would be great since we have a pool.

If I get all those things, Kintner will you come to our parties after that?

Rachel Emma, thank you for your extremely kind words. I hope you're right about finding a bf.

John... yes, I did have one of those days. I get them once in a while and then I bounce back. It seems that when I reach the breaking point I'm stronger. I am about to impliment a new chart to aid in discipline. I need to research something that I can be consistant with.

You are also right, I will thoroughly enjoy the few few hours alone next year. Too much? LOL no.

Sally said...

Man, I sure could use a GF here who drinks coffee!! I used to spend hours hanging w/ my girls at the coffee shop, chatting and playing one here want to do that!

I have drinking and work out buddies here, but I miss the coffee and cards!

Retail Zombie said...