Finding the slices of heaven.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mighty Mustache Man

Today my son decided to be like daddy. Armed with a washable marker, his imagination and his dress clothes....."Mustache man" was born. (he called himself that, not me.)
It was too funny not to capture and post.

Side note: Hubby has dark hair and a goatee. *giggle* Is he trying to be daddy? *smile*


Rachel Emma said...

Your son and daughter are soooooo cute, they sound adorable!

Take care,
Rachel Emma

Angel said...

Thanks Rachel emma.

They are cute and adorable and that's the only thing that keeps me sane when they are unruly like they have been this evening. grrrrr.

I hope you're doing well!!! I'll check out your blog in the morning. The kids have me worn out.

Terry said...

How Cute!! Sometimes I wish I had my own children, but I have awesome nephews and a really great niece... I would probably be too lenient as a parent though, I am the family member who gets the kids all riled up..

Angel said...

The fun aunt! My little sister is that. She and her new hubby just moved from near us to Florida so my kids are bummed. They are the fun aunt and uncle. LOL

You are important in that role! :D