Finding the slices of heaven.

Friday, January 12, 2007

My little peanut...

My daughter cracks me up on a regular basis. It's not that my son doesn't anymore it's just that my daugther is at an age when the funniest things come out of her mouth.

Yesterday, while driving her to preschool, she was yelling from her carseat in my 'oh so sheek' teal mini van. I know, stop drooling it's a sexy car. *chuckle* What was she yelling? Let me try to quote her...

"Hey lady! That's a green light! Move!"

As we got to the turn into her preschool I had two cars in front of me. The lead car was turning into the preschool but the one in front of me wasn't. When the lead car was turning we slowed down. This caused my daughter to yell, "Lady! There isn't a light at my pwestool (that's preschool in peanut talk.)"

Both times I said, "[insert peanut's name here], why are you yelling. We aren't in any hurry, this is normal for driving. When a car slows down, we slow down. There are rules on the road. I'm not yelling, you shouldn't be."

Finally the last time she yelled that at the preschool I said, "Why are you yelling? We had to slow down, honey. It's part of driving." Then a thought struck me, do I do that? Do I yell as I drive but don't realize it? So I asked her. Kids are honest, she'll tell me. "[insert peanut's name here] does mommy yell like that?"

"No. But daddy does."

I busted out laughing. Oh when I told hubby about that you could hear the vacuum of him inhaling in shock. Yes, honey. I told you to calm down in the car that the kids pick all that up. *wipes brow, phew* it wasn't me. *chuckle*


This morning I was helping peanut in the bathroom getting dressed. I just got her pants on and she said, "Yeah! Thats what I'm talkin' about sweet mama!" I laughed so hard I almost fell over. Later I gleened from her that that was said in the movie 'Barnyard' which we rented over the weekend. She only saw it once and yet she quoted it. Silly girl. Hee hee.

ohhh! That reminds me, I have to return those movies. Crap and I was just at that store this morning. *sigh*


Working Gal said...

Same story in my house. Brandelion (age 5) will tell me - "Mommy go FASTER!!" When I asked him, why do you want to go so fast - he said, "because Daddy always goes fast." Funny!! The best part was my husband was in the car at the time, and really couldn't argue!

Angel said...

It's amazing what the kids pick up when you don't realize it. LOL

That was cute, Working gal, thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

My kids always seemed to gravitate towards the quotes in their movies that we least wanted them to repeat. My youngest especially has always had special radar when it comes to any type of potty humor. Kids are great and yours sounds too cute for words.

Angel said...

Kids have a radar for that type of stuff don't they? LOL I think I swore ONCE in front of my daughter and she repeated it.

And while I agree my kids are too cute for words please don't be fooled into thinking they're perfect Angels (like their mom *rolls eyes*) because they aren't.

Potty humor is big in my house too. My son has a whoopie cushion he adores and my daughter loves chat about potty things (which I remind her is not lady like. *sigh*)

LID said...

Traffic tends to frustrate the helper. Anytime we hit a "snarl" he goes "Oh Dad not more traffic!" I've tried to explain, to no avail, that it's unavoidable. He doesn't accept that premise though. The Mommy is our "Yeller", I'm as cool as can be, I also have no were to go in any rush!