So Valentines day fast approaches. Actually, my son's birthday is coming up soon. That means cupcakes for school. An adult party on the 10th and a kids bowling party on the 24th. He's excited and I'm shocked he's turning 7.
Well since he was in preschool at age 3, almost 4, there has been a tradition here in this house that continues and includes my daughter. For Valentines day the schools have parties. They give out valentines and tons of goodies. EVERY mom/dad sends in a bag of candy. ( And we just got rid of our Christmas candy! *rolls eyes*) So besides birthday party purchasing trips I get Valentines and such.
What the tradition is that each kid needs a Valentine box. Well I decided from day one to be more creative than the average box with hearts on it. It was a bit of a boo boo since the kids want to keep doing it but it's fun none-the-less. The first year my son was in preschool we made out of a huge plastic container with a lid from the bulk store that had pretzels in it, a space ship. We wraped it in aluminum foil, put wings on the sides (if that's what you call it) flames out the bottom and even a hatch with my son's picture like he was an astronaut. He loved it. The next year he wanted a gingerbread house. Don't ask me why, he just did.
So last year my daughter started preschool and she wanted a castle that was pink and purple with towers. Toilet paper rolls came in handy and an old victoria's secret box too. LOL Don't worry I covered the name and it looked more like a castle than a box from a lingerie store. ;-)
And my son made a car out of a box. So this year is here. I got my kids their valentines: my daughter got My Little Pony ones and my son got Avatar from Nickelodeon. If your boys are my son's age it's a great show that has a young airbender saving the four nations (water, air, fire and earth) and intwined are tons of morals and messages. We watch it together when it's in season. Anyway, this prompted my son to want to make a Fire Nation ship. We did that last night. He is so excited because it looks like it and I even put one of his valentines on it of Prince Zuko (the fire nation prince) standing on top. I'll take a pic later when my daughters is done.
My daugther wants a house. We will start working on it tonight but my son and I are also building a toothpick house out of 100 toothpicks because tomorrow is the 100th day of school and they celebrate it. *rolls eyes* Anything to get me to send in tons of food and make things. LOL.
So I have been a crafting diva lately. Hubby suggested I send my daughter in with the sandcastle I made for my little sister's shower last spring. But it's huge and delicate. I'll post a pic of it too because I'm quite proud of it. :D
WOW! Crafts galore in western PA! You go Angel! What a Mom... have glue gun will travel! What lucky kids!
why thank you long island dad. I don't believe in the word 'can't' so I always find a way to make something. I just got my son's cake pan for his race car cake. More fun things to do in the weeks ahead. LOL
A glue gun is a tool. I love tools and I AM going to get that pink tool belt Mike told me about. I even told hubby.
if i tried such projects there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth in our household. You go girl!
If Mike's sewing machine is a "tool" than your glue gun is definitely a "tool." I too never use the ugly word "can't!" A problem is only something we haven't found a solution for yet! Rock On - A!
Don't forget the pics!
Finished last...LOL I'm sure if need be you would buckle down and help your kids, you're a good dad. But thanks!
long island dad.... I agree with you on the a problem only being something we haven't found a solution to. I will put pics up for sure!
Glue guns are great tools. You can burn your fingertips right off with one of those things.
And a guy with no fingertips might prove useful to have around, no?
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