Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Waking up on the horror movie side of the bed...

My daughter has a fantastic imagination (both my kids d0.) They would rather play with their imaginations than watch TV. I have no need to kick them off the sofa to go play, they do it themselves.

This morning my daughter seems to have slipped into a horror movie mode or something. She has been out of pullups at night for almost a year but still has the ocassional 'accident'. (bladder control takes time and training so I don't worry.) But of course after completely organizing the second floor and remaking the beds last night she'd have an accident. (of course.)

After doing some online banking I head up to her room to strip and remake the bed and continue the laundry train that I'm the conductor of (and never seems to have a caboose to, what's up with that?) She's sitting with a huge handful of costume jewelry in her hands and turns and says, "Oh Mommy! You scawed me. (because her 'r's' are like that and her 'k's' are like 't's' so bear with me. LOL)"

I apologized for scaring her and told her I was going to change her bed.

Naturally her reply was, "Yeah, cause if a werewolf comes I will grab them and shove bracelets down their throats." This stops me dead in my tracks. Did I just have a stroke or did she just say that? No stroke. She said that and she continues into a 15 minute discussion of werewolves. Here are some of the hightlights of the conversation (which was mostly one sided but with me saying "hmmm", "oh really?" and "What else?" Yes, I was egging her on.)

"Werewolves hate the light so when they come I'll catch them with my lightbulb."

"And you can make them Cream of Wheat and that will scare them." (she's on a cream of wheat kick and has eaten it for 5 mornings in a row.)

"Werewolves have sharp claws like hyenas."

And then somewhere in there she wanted a white kitty (which she pronounces 'titty' I know. I know.) from her shelf. I had given it to her and she spied a Ty elephant up there and asked for it. I told her she wasn't going to have me clear her shelf after I had just organized her room. She just stared at me. So I decided to slip into her imaginary world and said, "Besides, elephants will be of no use to you against werewolves." (This sentence made hubby laugh even harder.)

Her reply? "Okay. I won't talk about werewolves anymore." What? I'm so confused.

But after making her bed and gathering the soiled sheets she picks up a costume ring off her vanity and asks one final question, "Do you think werewolves marry other werewolves?"

Ohhhh peanut. You amuse me so.


LID said...

She amuses the rest of us too! LOL! I think you're more of the Engineer on the "Laundry Train", and as such, gets to decide on which cabooses get hooked up!

Angel said...

She does? Excellent. She cracks me up. We spend 95% of our time together laughing. hee hee.

Yes! The Engineer! That's what I meant. The word escaped me at the time I wrote this. Thanks for the help!

Retail Zombie said...

So....uhhhh.... you going to leave us all hanging?? Do werewolves marry other werewolves?

Angel said...

LMAO....Kintner. You crack me up.

*clearing throat and taking on a serious tone* sit down, Kintner and we'll have 'the talk'.

I believe werewolves marry other werewolves. Vampires work nights and are from a totally different world.(1)

(1) Reference the "Van Helsing" movie.

Rachel Emma said...

Hi Angel your daughter sounds so cute and very funny. thanks for you addy i have borrowed a laptop from my church. I have also added my email to my blog if you ever want to chat.

Take Care,
Rachel Emma

lioux said...

I'm a total vampire.

LID said...

When your done with 'kintner' could you please explain it to me... Where do baby werewolves come from? You obviously have this kind of esoteric knowledge... what a great Mom!

Anonymous said...

Way toooo cute. BTW I know that Cream of Wheat scares me.

Angel said...

Rachel Emma....she is the cutest little girl in the world and I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter. LOL Thanks. I did send an email your way!!

Lioux, that explains alot about your suck factor. LOL j/k ahhh funny. I would be so a vampire if it meant I could wear black leather and be a bad a*s like Kate Beckinsale in The Underworld.

Long island dad, brew some coffee and have your helper wash me up a cup. I'll sit down and have 'the talk' with you too. hee hee.

Finished last, thanks. She is cute. And so over the top she pushes for the title of dramadaughter. LOL. You don't like Cream of Wheat? She loves it (right now) I make it with milk all creamy with cinnamon and sugar. Yum!

Working Gal said...

I can totally relate - in fact, I posted today about the ongoing ghost issue in my house. Maybe your werewolf can ask my ghost out, and then my son could sleep better!

LID said...

No, No, No! Ghosts and werewolves can't date, it would never be accepted by society. They would be shunned... and what would the kids think?

Angel said...

You are right long island dad, they can't date. It just would never work out.

Perhaps we could just have a talk with that ghost for working gal or else we might have to hire the werewolves to frighten it off.