Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Family fun in the snow!

It was suggested to me by Long Island Dad, that I recap my snowy sledding weekend. I've already bored you with my exciting shopping so here is my snow filled weekend.

Despite my tummy issue hubby, the kids and I had a wonderful weekend. We made the most out of the snow we had. Saturday it was in the 40's and so not so very cold. Snowmen were best made in that kind of weather where the snow sticks. My parents gave the kids a snowman making kit for Christmas and they gleefully used it for the first time that day.

Snowball battles were a fun, laughing affair. My son landed one between my glasses that had my hubby laughing his butt off (that is until he got hit in the face. Yeah, that's right buddy! Funny until you get it right?)
We used our snow tubes down our small hill. Next time we'll visit the field behind my parents house and tear up their big hill. Mommy taught son the fine art of running, belly flopping onto the tube and getting that momentum to totally utilize the hill. (not good for my tummy but I survived) He was a quick learner and we had a blast.

Sunday was much cooler and we got fresh snow of about 2-3 inches that hubby began to shovel. I grabbed a shovel to help some and my kids grabbed theirs. Boy I wish I had the camera for that cute scene. They only lasted about 5 minutes but you'd think my daughter had shoveled a mountain by her 'oh mommy, I'm so tired' statement. My son moved from shoveling the driveway to realizing he could build his snow mountain faster now that he had the shovel.

Then my son and I tubed again. My daughter quickly joined and then hubby had finished and went down a few times. At another side section of our yard there is a double dip hill that I ran and jumped onto the tube and it was awesome. My son tried it and was hooked on it! We were finishing up when my daughter decided to roll down said hill and my son, despite seeing her, proceeded to fly down the hill. I jumped between them and tried to keep my son from running over my daughter. He missed her and all I mananged for my trouble was a boot to the forehead and hubby asking "why'd you do that?" *sigh*

Hot cocoa was a hit, none-the-less. I hope this upcoming weekend we can rinse and repeat this past weekend. Fun fun!
I will blog about the snow today with a video (I'm trying the you tube stuff) and a video of


Anonymous said...

I am jealous. All we have had are a few measly flakes. Look like a lot of fun.

Angel said...

It was fun FL.. and I hope to repeat the fun this weekend but need to buy more tubes. The darn dog punctured some. *sigh*

lioux said...

It looks like you guys had an awesome time!!!

LID said...

Nice Job... thanks for the pics... looks like a good time was had by all!

Sally said...

Our snow has almost all melted, but we're supposed to get a little more this week...we'll see how it goes. All I know is that it's butt cold out there! High may not even reach 30 for the next several days!

Mike said...

OK. It does look fun to play in.

But watching your poor husband shovel off the deck makes me think that our @#@(* deck would just have to colapse.

Angel said...

Lioux... a fun time was had by all.

long island dad... np

Sally, we are getting even more. It was a white out about an hour ago and of course I went to the grocery store. Great fun to drive in and no that isn't sarcasm... . I love it!

Mike, it is fun to play in. And you focus on seeing my husband shoveling? It's great exercise, painful to adjust to, I know since I've been doing 95% of the shoveling. btw... the deck has another 5 inches on it. LOL

Terry said...

We-whoooo! Looks like a blast!! I will have to get to the Burgh soon... I wanna play too!!

Angel said...

It was a blast! We hope to have more fun this weekend! Too bad you can't join us. lol