Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Ringing of the New Year

Yesterday I had a party here at my house and had my parents, my older sister and her girls here and my older sister's boyfriend (who we refer to as Jabba.....but he doesn't know it. I hope they don't have my blog addy. eeeek)

All in all it was fun but always filled with drama when my sister is here. You see she is bi-polar and suffers with depression. She's on a handful of meds. About 3 years ago she was caught having an affair (with Jabba who I think in many ways is a step down from her now ex-husband) and was told to leave the house. She left..... without her kids. And she never called to tell us about it. We heard it from her now ex. Since then we have found a way to be civil with one another but I worry about her girls.

So last night, toward the end of the night she had a mini melt down because she's been with her kids for most of the holiday break (her ex has custody) and she is incapable of handling every day stress. Her boyfriend was his typical assholey self and thinks he's funny and smart (not.)

That was like a shity thread woven throughout the evening. Despite all of that me, my hubby, my mom and dad all tried to make the time a celebration and, for the most part, succeeded. We did play a game of Scatergories. My hubby won one game and I won the second. When I couldn't come up with a viable answer I always tried to put something down that was comical and made everyone laugh. I'm a goof, but life is too short to take so seriously.

I remember a time when my little sister, her boyfriend (now hubby), my parents, me, hubby and kids, my older sister (the one with the melt down) her hubby (now ex) and kids got together and played games. We'd laugh constantly until we almost wet ourselves. Ahhhh those were the days. *sigh*

We ate good food, played a fun game, hugged and kissed some of who we love (and one we don't..... am I horrible for saying that?) and watched my Sicilian neighbor shoot off some awesome fireworks.

I wasn't stressed (although Jabba irritated me) and I'm glad I got to spend the time with my parents. (and I didn't drink too much John. LOL In fact I only had two drinks in 7 hours.)

Hubby and I (after all the guests left and the kiddies were snoozing) got hooked on a show about climbers on Mt. Everest on the Discovery channel. *rolls eyes* Aren't we a bucket of fun? hee hee.


Anonymous said...

You New Years sounded way more exciting than ours. We ended up home alone due to illnesses. We played Monopoly and watched Duck Soup (Marx Brothers) And went to bed not long after midnight.

Angel said...

Exciting? Hmmmm.... eventful maybe. Loud and rambunctious, yes. Frustrating with my older sis and her boyfriend? Absolutely.

I'm sorry there was illness in your house. I hope you are all feeling better.