Finding the slices of heaven.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The random thoughts, observations and questions while Angel shovels snow:

Snow is heavier than it looks

Why is my dog trying to bite my shovel?

I hope thanking my neighbor for snow blowing my sidewalk (all 30’ of it) this morning will prompt him to do it again.

Why does everyone around here drive like they have never seen snow before? I mean the white Expedition in front of me at the preschool parking lot needs to understand that while there is such a thing as TOO FAST while driving up hill on a snow covered drive there is ALSO such a thing as driving TOO SLOOOOOWW. It is possible to go so slow that you never make it up the hill lady. And the fancy large vehicle that you are driving doesn’t mean you are Jesus walking on water. You will slide down the hill, and you will damage my beautiful and oh-so-stylish and sexy teal mini van!! Oh wait. Hmmm new car? Yes… on second thought. Slide away!!!

Sore elbows get even sorer as you shovel your 1800 sq foot of driveway out.

MP3 players are awesome for shoveling. They almost drown out the *scrape, scrape* sound that is all you normally hear.

My arm really is starting to hurt, maybe I could save the rest for later today…. Ewwww is that “Animals” by Nickelback starting to play? Yes!

Why is it just as you are about to stop shoveling and take a break that an upbeat song has you pressing on with gusto?

And why does the upbeat songs end before the last few runs with the shovel and you know NOW you shouldn’t stop.

A pony tail would have been good to wear. Then my hair wouldn’t be in my face rendering me sightless and then it gets all frozen and crunchy. So much for fixing my hair today. *sigh*

Why is my dog limping? Owwww snowballs are attached to her paws…. I’ll let you in Amber.

And tell me why, just as you finish up clearing all the walkable hard surfaces of your property do you get another squal?

Boy I need to get back into shoveling strength.

Thus ends the first good snowfall in the 'burgh area this season.


LID said...

See isn't that better than "working out" in the basement. Ahhhh, outdoor physical activity -- nothing makes you feel more alive... or dead!

Angel said...

LOL... that is true. It was beautiful and just me and the dog. While I am sore I feel recharged for my kids. Odd I know.

But.... I will more than likely still do the treadmill. I'm a glutton for punishment. ;D

Angel said...
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Terry said...

Are you trying to make me jealous?? There are several reasons I prefer the NE when it comes to my job, but SNOW is definitely among the top choices.. Of course, I dont have to shovel it... Except that one time, about 2 years ago.... Ever tried to dig out a big truck??

Sally said...

I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL! That was me on Sunday...except I only did half the driveway...and I expected hubby to do the second half while I was out of town this week, but NO! He's waiting for the 50 degree weather we're supposed to have tomorrow (before the next storm on Saturday) to do the work for him.

And, why didn't I remember to take my ipod out with me while I was shoveling?? Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Go for that treadmill! 2 workouts in one day will make you feel great! (for a bit before you collapse on the couch *wink*)

Mike said...

Snow? 65+ here.

We were playing in the driveway with bikes and trikes yesterday. And the kids helped wash my car. Yeah for a warm sunny day and a pressure washer!

Angel said...

Terry... no. I'm not trying to make you jealous. My muscles were like jello last night. I felt so washed out from shoveling and guess what? Not only did the wind swirl the snow around and make it look like I didn't shovel but we also got a few more inches. I'm not sure just how much. But a sliver front moved through moving from north west to southeast and my town was never missed. *sigh* I know as winter continues and I shovel more, though, that the achs will be less as I become conditioned.

Sally.... doesn't that frustrate you? Sure, go ahead and wait. Ugh! Remind him it's excellent exercise. LOL. We are only 7 degrees this morning. brrr. so no shoveling until we reach our high of 23 woo hoo! Oh and hubby got home after 11 pm last night so if I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done.

Mike...You make me want to pelt you with snowball after snowball. I would do that if you were close by and if you hadn't told me about the pink tool belt. You TOTALLY redeemed yourself with that bud!