Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Follow up and the boy monkey.

I had a busy day of running errands, washing floors and a little bit of shredding. I am behind. I have been taking it too easy, since I'm feeling kind of bad and I shouldn't.

Monday I was supposed to hear from the darn vet with the blood work results. But no call. Yesterday I had planned on calling but was cleaning the first floor and so I lost track of time. Today I called the school and got my daughter signed up so that I can fill out a packet for her for Kindergarten. Then on the way to pick her up from preschool I phoned the vet. My cat indeed has hyperthyroidism. It's weird, thyroid issues run in my family. My first two years of marriage I was very very sick and found out I had hypothyroidism. It explained the mood swings I had, the lack of libido and the exhaustion. Once on the medication I felt great and then...wooops! I was prego with my son. Who knew hypothyroidism caused temporary infertility. I thought we were just lucky. LOL Well, we were lucky because the boy is a blessing.

My mom has hypothyroidism, my grandmother on my dad's side and my grandmother on my mom's side had hyperthyroidism. Now my cat? Weird stuff. So I have to run up to the vet (25 minute drive into the boon dockies) to get her pills. How do you give a cat a pill? This should be fun.

My son had a bad day. He has been having issues where he says he hasn't been picked at school. He wouldn't elaborate but today was another one of those days. He was distraught. He did talk to me and I gave him advice. He listened to my advice. I hope it helped. Most of all I listened and held him on my lap. His angry state disappeared and he's in a better mood. If nothing else I lightened his load. *sigh*


LID said...

And isn't that all that matters... a shoulder to cry on... that's our job description. Nice job, Mom!

Angel said...

Thanks long island dad, it doesn't feel like enough when he cries. It breaks my heart. I know how hard school is, i've been there and still remember vividly the scars created by heartless kids. Thanks for the kudos, I needed it.

Anonymous said...

Both my sister's have thyroid issues (one even has a disease which is the same as our name) One is hyper and the other hypo.

Good job on the comforting Mom's are great at that.

Angel said...

The hyperthyroid issue I have heard is harder to level off. It's a treatable disease, thankfully and I hope your sisters are doing well with it.

Same as 'our name'? Perhaps I'm confused.

Thank you for the kudos. He was upset and angry and lashing out which led me to believe something had happened. After I lured him into talking to me he was his normal happy self. We (hubby and I) gave him advise. I hope it works out.

lioux said...

Thyroid conditions run inn the Zhurr family too. Two of my sisters are being treated.


And I'm sure boy monkey will be having a better days.

Angel said...

A more common affliction than I knew. Interesting. I hope they have found the meds to be a miracle to them as I have found them to be.

I hope my son has a better day too. He's a kind hearted sweet thing and takes little things so hard. I hope I armed him with good advice.