Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Kicked It's Arse

Finished Last told me that productivity needed it's arse kicked, which is good because that's what I did today.

Despite my body fighting off an illness I cleaned my whole second floor. And not just any clean. Vacuuming along the walls and baseboards. Plus I put every tiny little toy I found along the way exactly where it belongs. On top of that I moved my son's bed to the inside wall. My kids are used to me moving furniture since I'm an Interior Designer. My son has been bugging me to move his bed. He remembers that this is the time of year I move the head of his bed off the outside wall.

So I moved and vacuumed and moved plus dusted. After that my daughter saw her brother's room and asked "Is my bed next?" I hadn't planned on doing that but she seemed excited. So after cleaning up the extremely messy toy room/4th bedroom I moved to her room giving it the same treatment as her brother's room.

It was worth it. When she saw her bed moved she screamed like it was Christmas morning. LOL. She was so excited and into the mood of things that she moved her little girl vanity (which is quite light) to another wall. I chuckled seeing that. Then I cleaned our bedroom suite.

Once that was completed I cleaned both the kids bathroom and ours. It took much longer than I planned since I did FAR more than anticipated. I'm just sitting down. My son got home and has CCD tonight so it's a busy night tonight. Instead of lounging around this afternoon I'll have to start dinner early.

This is not me complaining. It's me showing how proud I am that I got it all done. It's my job and it gives me great satisfaction at accomplishing it. Now I'm off to play with my daughter and her play makeup.


LID said...

*CLAP HANDS* Good for you! Enjoy your clean abode! Don't worry - the little people will never ever mess it up now that it's perfectly organized. Y'know... if the definition of crazy is doing something over and over and expecting a different result, why do I keep doing it...hmmm [wood burning] BECAUSE IT MAKES ME HAPPY DAMN IT! Don't judge me! I have Thomas The Tank Engines to go place on the shelves in name order for the 3rd time today.

LID said...

BTW what's "CCD"? Please, no more acronyms for those of us who live in the sticks.

Angel said...

Stealing my catch phrase again? LOL j/k

I am enjoying the clean 2nd floor. Tomorrow I crush the first floor. Wednesday is PURGE DAY! Whoopie! My mom just gave me a shredder so I will be like the guy on The Office. LOL.

Name order? I ask myself why I have bins for specific toys and why I HAVE to have the books on the shelf in size order. *shakes head* Perhaps I make it too hard on myself. LOL

CCD is a term for Catholic school. My son goes to public school but we want him to get his first holy communion next year and so night Catholic school during the school year once a week is in order. Sorry to confuse you with my cool acronym.

Angel said...

btw... my daughter has trouble calling it CCD, she calls it CDD. LOL

Sally said...

Wow1 I'm do you get motivated?? Tell me, I need help!!

I've decided that I need to make shorter lists so I'm not disappointed when I don't get much done. This weekend my list was to organize the craft room...and I did it...and that's all I did! Yay me!

Oh yeah, Christmas tree is still up...maybe this weekend...

Angel said...

Well.... I didn't get to cleaning in depth last week due to packing up the 12 boxes of Christmas decorations. yeah I know.

I always have a 'to do' list. Usually I list too much, this time I kept it within range.

Remember Sally, this is my job. I don't have to leave the house to punch a clock.

Lastly, I need to purge the old kid toys for more room and they have outgrown some toys. My office needs purging due to 2006 paperwork and making room.

I love organizing. I love a clean house. A cluttered home drives me crazy. I was in a neighbors home before Thanksgiving and there was stuff EVERYWHERE!! And she's home all day like me (she had bought a tort from me) and her hubby works is IT job from home. So why was it so bad? Perhaps it doesn't bother them. But I found I didn't exhale until I walked into my OCD organized home. LOL

LID said...

Thanks for the clarification. I'm Lutheran so I would have never gotten it. LOL! You're right a clean house=sanity. A place for everything and everything in it's place... "Hey, don't touch that!" "Put that down!" "Clean up your room NOW!" Where the hell is my dustbuster?

Angel said...

We catholics are arrogant to think you should all KNOW our acronyms. LOL j/k

I should just start making stuff up just to mess with your head. No.... I won't do that. You have enough going on with the trains by name order. hee hee.

Oh! And my daughter began to undo my handy work quickly. I was frustrated until I saw she had cleaned up her Poly pockets stuff. Then I was proud again. *smile*

Angel said...

Sounds much like my day. I scoured my house today. Of course it's a lot smaller than yours. It looks nice. See, my mother and step-dad are flying in, but I'm not supposed to know. So I cleaned, but made sure to leave a few things around so as not to tip her off that I knew she was coming. Mostly in the guest room. If that was PERFECT, she would know I knew she was coming. Anyway, I worked my ass off ALL DAY! Literally. 8am to now. I'm exhausted. The kids are down, hubs is picking up the parents and I'm going to relax and pretend I have no clue:) WOOT!

Angel said...

BTW, I rearrange shit all the time. But that is just my OCD and feng shuy thing. I rearranged my room as a kid constantly. I love change. I feel so good when I move things around and clean. It's awesome.

Angel said...

Hey Dramamama!!!!

Have a great pseudo surprise visit with the family! That is so awesome that #1 they are visiting and #2 that your hubby knows you'd probably freak if you didn't get the house in decent shape so he secretly told you.

Before we moved in I sat down and drew up the floor plan and put the furniture in the CAD system to see the different varities of options. Yeah, I'm OCD'ing in CAD style. LOL.

Also, hubby's firm moved from one building downtown over Thanksgiving weekend and a few months before he had to decide how he wanted his furniture arranged. He brought it home to me. I plugged it into the computer and gave him 4 options. He took the one of choice into the office for the manager. All were jealous that he had a professional working with him. LMAO. *rolls eyes*

Angel said...

I'm really being long winded lately. I need to shorten my comments up!!!


I think we could use you here at Company, Inc.
Bring your vacuum.

Angel said...

Vacuum and cookies? LOL j/k I'm quite expensive. Does your boss have wiggle room in his budget? hee hee

Anonymous said...

Our house could use a bit of OCD. of course being sick right after new years I was little to no help getting tunings in order and now it appears the wife is getting the same thing. It will probably be March till we get dug out completely.

Angel said...

Awwww Finished Last... Sorry to hear that. I wish I could help.