Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday night

10:15 pm.... both hampers empty and clean clothes folded. I shall mark this on the calendar. :D


11:02.... clothes in the hamper. *sigh*


lioux said...


Anonymous said...

Stands and applauds.

Angel said...

*bows deeply* Thank you thank you. It was a short lived victory but a sweet one that I shall savor for a long time.

AtHomeDaddy said...

You know. I loaded the *&)%@ dishwasher the other day. I took great pains to make sure EVERY dang thing fit in. Then, I kid you not,
4 minutes after the washer started, there were dirty dishes in the sink.

@#$()*! #%()*)#$(! *(_($^%!

LID said...

Nice try!

Angel said...

I feel your pain Chevy 1968... been there. I would usually hand wash them for the nice, clean sink feeling to continue.

My hampers only have a few items. I vow to keep up with the laundry as much as I can. I vow *shaking fist in the air*