Finding the slices of heaven.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Elbow wack-a-doo

This morning we were getting ready and discussing a stressful financial issue. blah. While walking from the shower/commode section of our bathroom to the sink/tub section through the doorway I had my arms up to move my hair around. Unfortunately I wasn't paying close enough attention and walked into the doorframe..... with my right elbow......hard!

I crumpled to the floor in tears (natural reaction to gut wrenching pain.) I can barely use this arm. *sigh* I'm off to get my daughter to school. Stupid stupid stupid Angel!


lioux said...


Former Co-Worker Holly used to do things like that all the time.

We used to call her Luka.

I hope the pain has subsided...

Angel said...

awwwww... poor cw-holly. I feel bad that she is as clutsy as me.

Thanks, Lioux.

Rachel Emma said...

Ouch! I hope your elbow feels better soon!

Rachel Emma

LID said...

Between you, me and DramaMama I think health care coverage should be our number one political concern. Sorry to hear about your bruised limb! Feel better!


Sorry to be the one to break this to you Angel, but if Lioux were there to witness your little mishap he would be ROTFLHFAO! He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES physical humor, a la John Ritter in Three's Company.

Terry said...

Not 10 minutes before reading this post I smacked my shin on the coffee table. Dropped to the floor and am recooperating as I catch up on my blog reading. No tears, but a few rather foul words seem make me feel better.