Finding the slices of heaven.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday morning sprint!

Mission today:

Take cocker to get groomed. She's looking like a wholly mammoth.

Drop daughter off at parent's house so I can go to my son's school for his physical education's fitness fest. This should be interesting. I will have to partake in the phases he does in gym and I think one is rope climbing. I'm in shape and have mommy arms but I don't know if I can do that and don't want to make an a#& out of myself. I'll update you on how I fared. (side note, my son wanted me to bring my daughter because we are to go against our kids and as he said it, "I could take her." Such love.)

Pick newly groomed prancing puppy from groomer.

In between the battle with the hamper and dirty continues. As does the job hunt. We found new ways we want to spend money (at National X Home Improvement Store, damn them!) and so the push is on.

Our taxes will be simple to finish when we get the last form in from a bank. We know whte number they are sending but waiting for the actual paper. A healthy refund is coming but half is going to the trip to Destin Florida in April for BIL's wedding. Hubby told me of another family wedding in Atlanta in September but assured me "we are not going." Phew. I'd like to take a family vacation WE pick. Haven't done that since Disney World in 2005. *sigh* But we do have an offer from a fellow attorney and his wife to use their beach house in the gulf coast of Florida so we are going to ask for a week in August. (and the house would be FREE! I know. I can't believe it myself. LOL)

So my 'to do' list is up on the erasable marker board and I'm off and running! Happy Monday everyone! I'll check on all your smiling faces as often as I can! TCOY!


LID said...

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go! Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho...

Anonymous said...

Won't it be fun erasing those things and seeing a clean board at the end of the day? I have no idea what that feels like.

Angel said...

long island dad... is that a crack at my height? LMAO j/k. Yes. A working I must go. The dog is at the groomer and I have limited time to bust butt!!

Finished will be fun to erase the things on the board. I can't wait to cross of doing the taxes. That will mean we will be awaiting a needed refund! You are't crossing things off a list? btw... I'll catch up with your blog in about a half hour! Promise!

Mike said...

Lists are just too damn depressing. I started a chore list 4 1/2 years ago and I still haven't gotten to the end of it.

lioux said...

Hope your day is awesome.

LID said...

Ooooh, I'm sorry are you vertically challenged... I must have missed that comment exchange with Terry... ooops! [Cat out of bag]
Anyway, my sincerest apologies for any offense taken. I was referring to the tasks at hand! Not comparing you to 7 little men!

Mike -- Keep at it! One day you can give the list to the Talker... he'll finish it while you sip a cold one in your barker-lounger!

BTW A -- Still waitin' on the Sleddin' video -- I've got no snow... and obviously no life!

Angel said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA you are so easy to tease long island dad. I love my height (or lack of height) and I know that you were not poking fun at it. I found the opportunity to tease you too tempting to pass up. ;-)

The video will wait until tomorrow. I've drafted the post but today was like living like a tazmanian devil..... go go go go and fast! I am just unnnnnnwiiiiiindddding now. LOL.