Finding the slices of heaven.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lonnnnnnnnggggggg days

I have been dealing with long days with just me and the kids. A lot of you SAH'ers can relate with hard working spouses. Hubby is in a big trial stretch the past couple of weeks. Last night he didn't get home until 9:15. The kids were already in bed, dinner was waiting. When he pulled in, though, there was (apparently) a rottweiler standing in our driveway, not moving. We have a neighbor up the street with two. He is a scary man and we have speculated why he has the dogs, seemingly no job and still has money (but I digress.)

My cocker wanted out to do her business but this dog has been known to attack other dogs. *sigh* so I had to call the cops (which accomplished nothing more than a drive through our street.) The dispatcher wanted to know if I wanted to see the officer. *Ponder as I stand in my fuzzy pink jammies.* No, not necessary. Big disruption, nothing accomplished and I just hope the crazy guy doesn't realize that the cop car he saw when he was calling that dangerous dog was called by us. eeeek.

To add to my fun couple of days is that I think my son has strep throat. He's home again from school today and in about 20 minutes I'll be calling the pediatrician to get an appointment. My only solace is that my hampers are near empty, my house is neat and clean and I made a fresh, delicious pot of homemade veggie soup.


LID said...

"Hampers are 'near' empty..." NOT FOR LONG! Sorry j/k LOL! Hope the boy feels better! Good luck @ the Dr's... nothing like a good dose of antibiotics to regain OUR sanity!

Anonymous said...

Feeling your pain.

Another 15 hour day on Manday.

Why can't kindergarten start for my boy in February???

Angel said...

long island dad.... I will work to keep them empty. It is now my mission and I choose to accept it! *smile* And I waited to go to the grocery store to after the appointment (if the doctor's office would just freakin' open!) so if he needs antibiotics I can double up my trips.

athomedaddy... yes. Pain and yet rewarding. That's the kicker. We love our kids, we really do. The tough part is conversing with a 6 & 5 year old all day. Saying things like "that doesn't go in your ear" or "why did you spray perfume in your mouth?" or "no you can't put THAT on the dog." By the time hubby gets home he's too tired to talk and here I am. Babbling like an idiot. LOL

Rachel Emma said...

Sorry your son is ill i hope the trip to the Doc's helps! We have a neighbour who has two black retrievers which they leave off the lead which always attack our dogs or at least chase them. Mum actually got in a arguement with the lady. lol. Just off to see if i can vote!

Take Care
Rachel Emma

Anonymous said...

I don't think our hampers have a bottom. I hope things settle down soon and I really hope your son is better soon. Having just been through strep myself I know it is no fun at all.

Angel said...

Rachel emma.... thanks for the well wishes. These dogs scare me. They are almost my (yours too) height.

Finished last....Mine did and I never realized it. I will throw a load in today to keep up my mission! He has strep btw, and I have his meds. He'll be better soon enough, *phew*

Terry said...

ooohhhh, that reminds me of the time when my neighbors (with large dogs, no jobs, and plenty of moola) were busted!! SWAT team came through my backyard with automatice weapons while I was planting flowers.. "Nothing to worry about Ma'am." YIKES!!